

Introduction of serpack

Serpack is a TypeScript/JavaScript compiler for application development, powered by swc.

This compiler is optimized for high-speed bundling and execution of TypeScript files, leveraging swc as a transformer and oxc as a resolver for enhanced performance.

By default, serpack is built to run Javascript/Typescript, but it also supports module bundling.

npx serpack ./src/awesome-app.ts # run script


It's not ready to be used for production yet


esbuild is an excellent bundler, but Zely is a framework with its own unique requirements and ecosystem.
Therefore, developing a custom bundler, serpack, tailored specifically for Zely, offers better technical independence, optimized performance, and a more seamless developer experience

#Why SWC

SWC provides low-level access to the AST, allowing serpack to apply specific transformations directly.
This makes it possible to inject custom runtime code, handle special decorators, and implement framework-level optimizations in ways that general-purpose bundlers like esbuild cannot easily support.

#Getting Started

  1. try serpack on zely
npx zely dev --serpack # or npx zely-cli dev --serpack

Enable --serpack flag

  1. try serpack on your project
npm i --save-dev serpack

#Source Code